Bamboo  A~Z

 ア―ティストは共通点がないと思われるものとの間に隠れたつながりを生み出したりすることが出来ます、全く新しい型破りな関連づけをして、これまでとは異なる視点から想像力豊かにものごとを捉えます。千利休は堺に生まれ 住まいは120坪ほどの広さで これは限られた環濠都市のなかでの許容限度だったと言われています。家々の背後には堀割が通じ、やがて港への水路となり、外国の船が入港していました。

  B  Board

  C  Creation

 D  Design
「竹図譚」という江戸時代につくられた刀の鉾があります。京の名工として知られる一宮長常の作品です。刀の鉾は、力剣から持ち手の手を守る機能から発生しまし たが、さまざまな装飾が施された美術品としての性格を持っています。「片切彫」という彫刻線で表現する技法だけで竹の姿態を表しています。片側を深く、反対側を浅く彫る。 片切彫は一見地味ですが、やり直しのきかない技法であり、線描だけで竹の勢いを表現しています。

E  Education
 竹は里山の景観を創る植物として存在しているだけでなく、誰もが気軽に割ったり編んで加工することにより、日常生活の道具類や雑貨品として利用されていました。タケは多目的に使える便利な原材料です。沢から竹の管を通して水を引っぱってきたり、竹炭で水を浄化する。筍をいただくなど工夫次第で自給自足の生活手段として活用できます。竹で暮らしを立ち上げる 自由自在に竹で生活のいろいろを創ります。

 F  Freedom

 G  Garden
 古事記によると、西暦794年に京都御所内に「呉竹」が植えられ「竹の園生」という言葉が生まれたと言われています。洛西嵐山をはじめ天龍寺 苔寺 桂離宮などを近くにひかえ、優雅な情緒を漂わせています。このあたり一辺が庭の趣がありますが嵯峨野には数多くの古墳が点在しており、京都鳴滝駅から西へ歩くと、造園業を営む屋敷が建ち並び、手入れの整った見事な庭を眺めることができます。

H  House
 鴨長明は、完元の大火を経験している。「方丈記」の中で「人間のやることは、愚かなことだらけだ」 あやうい、都市の中に家を造ろうとして財産をつぎ込み心を悩ませることは、とりわけ虚しいことであると。鴨長明は実行に移した。都を離れ山里に引っ越し、今でいうプレハブハウスのようなものを竹で造りました。いつでも引っ越せる折りたたみ式のモバイルハウスで、DIYのはしりです。

 I  Idea

 J  Jomon

K   Know

農業 林業 漁業が日本の柱でした。竹を産業のインフラに使っていました。なぜ山に混じって竹が在ったのでしょうか?目的を持って山に竹を植林した。その理由を知ると、地域の成り立ち、歴史または国家の成り立ち、地形といったものが古い地図と共に見えてきます。
L  Love
「生き生きと清清しく、のびのびと、おおらかに、しなやかに、凛としている竹林の竹」今世紀は、森林 植物 自然素材の活用で地球環境を整えよう。荒廃する森林 竹林 ひと昔前の美しかった竹林 日本の美 植物素材が使われなくなって久しい。それに伴って地球環境が悪化してきた。植物自然素材は役目を済ませれば自然に大地に溶け入り、また植物を生み育てます。万物はその場その場の中に生かされてこそ素晴らしい。植物学の父

M Music
 竹の音に耳を澄ましてみましょう。アジアでは竹と音 音楽が身近にあり、音の風景が知られています。バンブーダンスと竹楽器 竹の音楽文化があります。身の回りから音素材を見つけ、音や音風景に耳を傾けてみましょう。日本のやまには各種の竹が自然に生えているのにもかかわらず、有史以来誰も音階を奏でる竹の楽器を作らなかった。伝統音楽で使われるのは、尺八 篠笛 竜笛、笙、能管等管楽器だけです。最近になってやっと「竹マリンバ」が誕生しました。

N   Nature
安心して暮らせる、住みたい国づくり、心癒される美しい日本の風景、心の故郷づくりを未来を担う子どもらに伝えて行く事が大人の務めであり、役割です。放置され、高く成長した竹林が拡大することで、日照不足で樹木が育たないという被害 高齢化による管理ができなくなり、里山が荒廃していくが「竹を間伐すると、日の当たらなかった林に光が差し込む。この達成感がいい。」
O  Origin


P Paper

Q   Question
R   Rich

S   Sustainability
T   Truth

U   Useful
V   Value
野菜は発芽 発育しやすくなり、土壌改良剤の使用も減ります。
W   Water



Y  Year
Z   Zero Emission
浜離宮の池は海と接続していて、鯛も泳ぎにきていたという。江戸時代は魚河岸 竹河岸があり、循環社会を構築していた。アジアの国々でも運河を利用し、農産物から廃棄物を使ったした養殖をすすめ、現在より洗練された廃棄物の出ない社会を構築していました。ゼロエミッションは、自然の生態系にならない、人間の経済活動を再編しようという構想です。
ある事業から出た廃棄物を 別の事業の原料として利用する


Artists can create hidden connections between things that seem to have nothing in common, making completely new and unconventional connections, imaginatively capturing things from a different perspective. Sen no Rikyu was born in Sakai and lived in an area of about 120 tsubo (120 tsubo), which is said to be the limit he could afford in a city surrounded by moats. Behind the houses there was a moat, which eventually became a waterway to the port, where foreign ships entered. Sen no Rikyu perfected the tea ceremony by combining water and bamboo with wabicha. An artist creates a world that people can understand.


B  Board

Bamboo has long been known as a light and durable material. The fact that the bamboo is hollow and the long, strong fibers running along the length of the bamboo contribute to this. As the right to use bamboo as it is, the arms of railroad barriers used to be bamboo. In the past, the clothesline was made of bamboo, and it was necessary to replace it with a new bamboo pole every one to two years. Oyster and pearl oyster rafts were also made of bamboo. In Hong Kong, bamboo is carried even in narrow alleys where cars cannot enter, and scaffolding for construction is assembled.


C  Creation

Bamboo has the joy of making various things. If you put up a Japanese umbrella on a rainy day, the light will shine through and you will feel better. Soft light spreads through Japanese paper, and bamboo bones line up in a radial pattern from the center. It's not just about colors and shapes. “When raindrops hit you, you hear a pleasant sound like a drum,” and open the umbrella to create a special place under it. There are 100 steps in making a Japanese umbrella. The bamboo ribs are sewn on to the potter's wheel, which is the key component.


 D There is a sword halberd made in the Edo period called "Takezutan" by Design. It is the work of Nagatsune Ichinomiya, known as a master craftsman of Kyoto. The halberd of the sword originated from the function of protecting the hand from the power sword, but it has the character of a work of art with various decorations. The shape of the bamboo is expressed only by a technique called "katagiri carving" that expresses it with engraving lines. Carve deep on one side and shallow on the other. Katagiri carving may look plain at first glance, but it is an irreversible technique, and the force of the bamboo is expressed only by drawing lines.


E Education

  Bamboo not only exists as a plant that creates landscapes in satoyama, but it was also used as tools and miscellaneous goods in daily life by being easily split, woven and processed by anyone. Bamboo is a versatile and useful raw material. Water is pulled through bamboo pipes from streams, and bamboo charcoal is used to purify the water. It can be used as a means of self-sufficiency depending on the ingenuity, such as eating bamboo shoots. Create a life with bamboo Create a variety of lifestyles with bamboo.


F  Freedom


philosopher Hannah Arendt, in her book "The Origin of Totalitarianism", argues that when people become disconnected and disconnected, the anxiety makes us want to cling to totalitarian power. Erich Fromm said the same thing in Escape from Freedom. Educator DeHuey also said that democracy is not just an institution, but a "way of life." Bamboo is a plant created for free living. Bamboo style protects such a "lifestyle", respects the freedom of others, and connects society through familiar bamboo.


G   Garden 

According to the Kojiki, it is said that in 794 AD, 'Kuretake' was planted within the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and the word 'bamboo garden student' was born. With Rakusai Arashiyama, Tenryu-ji Temple, Moss Temple, and Katsura Imperial Villa nearby, it exudes an elegant atmosphere. The whole area is like a garden, but Sagano is dotted with many ancient burial mounds. If you walk west from Narutaki Station in Kyoto, you will see mansions that run landscaping businesses, and you will be able to see beautiful, well-maintained gardens.


H  House 

Kamo no Chomei has experienced the Great Fire of Kangen. In ``Hojoki'', ``What humans do is full of foolishness.''  It is especially futile to spend money and worry about building a house in the city. Kamo no Chomei put it into action. He left the city and moved to a mountain village, where he built what is now called a prefabricated house out of bamboo. It is a foldable mobile house that can be moved at any time, and is the beginning of DIY.


 I   Idea 

Think about new ways to use bamboo, and how it can be used and consumed in a wide range of ways in our daily lives. Bamboo is a plant that represents Japan and has created and nurtured a magnificent and elegant traditional culture that Japan can boast to the world. Bamboo has been used as an all-purpose production material for daily life. For example, combining bamboo fiber and cotton. Is there a way to productize and materialize it?


 J  Jomon Jomon period baskets and combs have been excavated from peat swamps in Kamegaoka, Tsuruga City. A bamboo ball (bamboo pipe) was also excavated. The Jomon period is said to be the era of rope and shape culture. The life cycle of bamboos refers to the period from flowering and fruiting to the emergence of a new individual until the next flowering of that individual. However, the lifespan of bamboo varies depending on the species and lineage, and whether it lasts for decades, hundreds of years, or how long it lasts, is a plant that has been known for a long time, but it is still largely unknown today.


K  Know


From the Muromachi period to the Edo period, the shogun's costume did not change much, but during this period agriculture, forestry and fishing were the pillars of Japan. Bamboo was used for industrial infrastructure. Why did bamboo exist among the mountains? I planted bamboo in the mountains with a purpose. When you know the reason, you can see the origin of the region, the history or the origin of the nation, and the topography along with the old map. Moso bamboo shoots imported from Gangnam, China are delicious. It is said that the secrecy that is familiar with medicine spread throughout the country.    

L   Love

"Bamboo in a bamboo grove that is lively, refreshing, carefree, generous, supple, and dignified."In this century, let's improve the global environment through the use of forests, plants, and natural materials. A desolate forest, a bamboo grove, a bamboo grove that was beautiful a long time ago, the beauty of Japan, and it's been a long time since plant materials were no longer used. As a result, the global environment has deteriorated. Once the plant's natural material has completed its role, it will naturally blend into the earth and give birth to plants. All things are wonderful when they are brought to life on the spot. Tomijiro Makino, the father of botany, loved bamboo shoots and gave them many scientific names. Suekozasa, named after his wife, is well known.


M  Music

Let's listen to the sound of bamboo. In Asia, bamboo and sound music are familiar, and the scenery of sound is well known. Bamboo dance and bamboo musical instruments There is a musical culture of bamboo. Find sound sources around you and listen to the sounds and soundscapes. In spite of the fact that various types of bamboo grow naturally in the mountains of Japan, no one has made a bamboo musical instrument that can play scales since recorded history. Traditional music uses only wind instruments such as shakuhachi, shinobue, ryuteki, sho, and nokan. Recently, the "bamboo marimba" was born.


N Nature

Coexistence with nature, devoting himself wholeheartedly to building a beautiful traditional Japanese culture. It is the responsibility and role of adults to pass on to the children who will be responsible for the future the creation of a country where they can live with peace of mind, the beautiful scenery of Japan that heals their hearts, and the creation of a hometown in their hearts. Due to the expansion of neglected and tall bamboo groves, trees do not grow due to lack of sunlight.Management due to aging becomes impossible, and satoyama is devastated. However, "When bamboo is thinned, light shines into forests that have not been exposed to sunlight. This sense of accomplishment is good.

"When did


O Origin

bamboo originate? According to the Kojiki, bamboo was used to cut the umbilical cord when giving birth to Awaji Island, the island of birth of the country. In mythology, bamboo was used for creation for the first time. And Japan's oldest story, "Taketori Monogatari," is introduced as the originator of the story in "The Tale of Genji." At the beginning of the story, ``There is a bamboo old man.


P  Paper

bamboo paper is a paper-making technique passed down from ancient times in China. The bamboo is soaked in water for nearly half a year, and the fibers are taken out, boiled, dissolved in water, and hand-made. The number of craftsmen is small because it takes time and effort. “It is interesting that the image of paper changes greatly depending on the sensibility of the creator, such as the type of bamboo and how much fiber is left, and the use of discarded bamboo is the antithesis of modern efficiency.” Each piece of paper is handcrafted in a primitive way, giving it a unique texture and adding a richness to calligraphy and painting.

Q   Question In the case of general wood, it takes several years to be cut down, but in contrast, bamboo matures in one year. After three to five years of cold weather in winter and warm weather in summer, the body becomes firm and can be used as a material. Still, it can be said that the period until it can be felled compared to wood is much shorter. Also, unlike wood, bamboo does not even need to be planted because it has an underground stem. In order for us to form a sustainable society, we are being asked how to appropriately utilize such resources. R Rich bamboo is a plant made for the people, and people have used its resources well. Bamboo has been used extensively. It can be seen that toughness and repulsive force are used for clothesline poles, fishing rods, bows, etc., low elasticity is used for slide rules, rulers, etc., and flexibility is used for tea whisks, bamboo baskets, blinds, folding fans, and the like. The above characteristics are essential conditions for building materials. Considering the tissue structure of bamboo, if bamboo is compared to reinforced concrete, the conduit is like a reinforcing bar and the fleshy part plays the role of concrete. And the joint part of the bamboo has a stronger structure as a reinforcing material.


S  Sustainability

Building a sustainable society is the cornerstone of the idea imposed on us consumers. The original scenery of our hearts, the bamboo groves of satoyama, are being devastated day by day. Due to the unprofitability of agriculture, there is no longer anything to take over the production of rice, dairy farming, bamboo shoot cultivation, and processed goods made from bamboo. Bamboo resources and scenery of bamboo groves, which have become “the source of a rich lifestyle and culture”, remain the basis for survival that Japanese people want to be involved in, even in modern society where convenience has been spurred by the IT revolution.

T Truth

bamboo is said to be a plant that connects heaven and earth. Tanabata is the day once a year when Orihime and Hikoboshi meet in the Milky Way. We write our wishes on colorful strips of paper and decorate them with bamboo leaves. The Milky Way is thought to be a fantasy world that shines in the night sky, but it appears in the Bible's Genesis. God said, ``There should be a blue sky between the waters, and separate the water from the water.''  So it happened. God made a sky and separated the water under the sky from the water above the sky. The water above is the Milky Way.


U Useful

bamboo is an excellent resource that grows quickly, and has been used for a variety of purposes such as bamboo blinds, baskets, fans, and other tools that are closely related to daily life, as well as clay wall reinforcing materials such as Komaitake, as building materials, tea ceremony utensils, and musical instruments such as the shakuhachi. In addition, spring taste bamboo shoots have come in handy as an important food. The use of bamboo also helps reduce the consumption of fossil fuel-derived products such as plastic. Bamboo is also a forest biomass resource, and it is necessary to make effective use of bamboo for the formation of a recycling-oriented society. By mixing


V   Value

bamboo powder into the soil or sowing it on the surface of the soil, it increases the lactic acid bacteria in the soil and promotes the decomposition of fertilizer and compost, making it easier for vegetables to absorb nutrients. Vegetables germinate and grow more easily, and the use of soil improvers is reduced. It is said that growing vegetables and fruits using moso bamboo powder makes it easier to increase the sugar content. In addition, by spraying bamboo powder on pet toilets or mixing it with garbage and sewage, it has the effect of consumption and sterilization.

W  water

 When the bamboo shoots grow about one meter, cut off the ends to stop the bamboo from growing, and the bamboo water will accumulate in the bamboo culms. This water is said to be a cure-all. Bamboo water does not accumulate unless you wait patiently for the bamboo to grow. It might be fun to use bamboo water as medicine. Suikinkutsu's sharkweed is a well-known use of bamboo, but instead of enjoying tea ceremony utensils, let's enjoy bamboo closer to nature with less expensive play. It's also a good idea to think about things like water guns made of bamboo, spread them on social media, and increase the number of friends.


X-DAY                                       Bamboo is a plant that heralds a paradigm shift, just as bamboos all over the country bloomed and died from Heisei to Reiwa. "Culture" and "civilization" are similar words, but there is a theory that the role of "culture" is to stop the excesses of "civilization", and the role of "civilization" is to reverse the stagnation of "culture". When bamboo dies, the entire bamboo forest in the area dies. Bamboo that has been divided overseas will also wither at the same time. No one knows that day. "Culture" gradually declines, but when a certain "civilization" ends, it ends overnight. That may be the difference between "culture" and civilization.


Y  Year

Bamboo has knots, and there are words such as ``kisseki'' and ``sekku'' that represent the ``season''. It is used as a tool to announce the time of the New Year, such as in New Year's kadomatsu. Some bamboo flutes are made from bamboo that is hundreds of years old. 

Z  Zero Emission

It is said that the  Hamarikyu Pond was connected to the sea, and that sea bream also came to swim there. In the Edo period, there was a fish market, a bamboo river bank, and a recycling society was being built. Asian countries also used canals and promoted aquaculture using waste from agricultural products, building a more sophisticated waste-free society than today. Zero emissions is a concept to reorganize human economic activity that does not become a natural ecosystem. By creating a system that uses waste from one business as raw materials for another business, we aim to use all resources without waste and achieve zero waste from our daily activities. Bamboo is one such material.